Open Letter to Peace on Earth Day (22 April)

Dear Peace,

After searching tirelessly for you over millions of years, I have finally found you.

As I share with you a piece of my mind, I have nothing but peace on my mind.

Every day, I see my children wrestle outwardly to be at peace with their world.

Seldom do they realize that there is no peace out there in the world.

However, there is a beautiful place for peace within each one of them.

And when they find that place for peace within themselves, they can find that place for peace in others.

For that place for peace is within all of my children. That place is in their belly.

When they eat healthy food, they can keep their peace with hunger.

That peace may not long last, but it does hold their body and mind to peace.

To be really at peace with the world is to make peace with oneself and one’s hunger.

Even a hungry man cannot go to war on an empty stomach.

How can they fight for their country unless they fight with their own hunger?

My children will one day know this truth. It’s simple – the seed of peace starts with a piece of bread.

Food is the peace offering that billions of my children need.

Let them know that when food is within us, then peace is upon us.

While my search for peace may be over, but my search to find food for all has just begun.

In Peace,
Mother Earth.

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